I never liked this guy, pretty much because of a mix of his cold fish personality and the way things worked out with Favre (I loved Favre, despite his imperfections.) But I'm coming around on Rodgers for a couple of reasons.
#1 I really don't care about football anymore so why waste any time disliking a football player?
#2 I realize now that I was manipulated by the sports media in choosing a side in the whole Favre vs Green Bay/Rodgers scenario. I cared way more about that than I ever should have. And the media are also the ones that convinced me he was a cold fish. His current battles against the woke mob make me realize that if the dude ever showed up at my family's house for some stupid reason, we'd probably get along just fine.
This interview Rodger's did on the Pat McAfee Show really surprised me. I didn't know Rodgers was a believer of osteopathic, naturopathic, and homeopathic medicine. This is manifested in this 44 minute interview. I found Rodgers as being an extremely intelligent individual on the subject. If you listen to the entire interview, the perception I drew from it was that he was being very 'measured' in what he revealed. You could tell that he was holding back on much more information and kept the conversion in the realm of what he said was a "discussion". He was very passionate about it and describes his own persecution for not getting vaxxed.
He did hold back, but also rightfully called Big Pharma a criminal operation, but used it as a reason not to trust the Clot Shot. I looked up "Crimes and penalties of pharmaceutical companies" and there is a plethora of information on it. At citizen.org there's a pdf that shows how bad it really is. Nearly half the crimes involve 'concealing study violations. Ninety percent of the crimes involve not only this, but poor manufacturing processes, kickbacks, and monopoly practices. Rodgers has a very good point here for not trusting Big Pharma.
Pfizer amongst others has so many repeated strikes against it, they should have been shut down long ago. One really should question any product the pharmaceutical companies manufacture. Federal law requires pharmaceutical drug makers to report to Congress biannually the efficacy and safety of their product for recertification. In a class action lawsuit, it was found that these drug makers have not performed or kept efficacy and safety records for 32 years. Take note that this is when vaccine scheduling for children increased from 10 shots to over 30 shots and autism increased astronomically. Congress has played a huge roll in this fraud. And its even worse than this, government officials have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise have aided and abetted this vaccine fraud.
Vaccine companies have become so powerful, they appear, in my humble opinion to be more powerful than governments themselves. Pfizer has bullied so many governments, their contracts: (1) Reserves the Right to Silence Governments – Pfizer is silencing the governments through its contracts. It has forced countries not to talk about the deals they strike for shots. (2) Pfizer Controls Distribution of Shots – Pfizer controls the donations of the shots, not the country that buys them. (3) Pfizer will decide where the shots go. (4) Pfizer Secured an “IP Waiver” for Itself – If Pfizer is accused of intellectual property theft, governments will pay not the company. (5) Private Arbitrators, not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in Secret – If there are disputes, private arbitrators and not public courts will decide on them (6) Pfizer Can Go After State Assets – Pfizer can go after state assets to secure its compensation. (7) Pfizer Calls the Shots on Key Decisions – Pfizer decides delivery timeline and more.
You can look this up yourself as I have. It's mind blowing. Moreover, Rodger's story precedes the football season, in which in the off-season he appealed the NFL's mandate. He goes on to explain how many others in the league feel the same way, many of them feel they are being coerced. They realized they were 'expendable' and others would fill their position. So, they were forced to take the jab to save their careers.
Taking all of this in consideration, why are we being forced to take one type of prophylactic, especially when the government’s own data proves COVID-19 shots are causing blood clots, heart disease, and death?
VAERS shows that in less than a year, there are more than 3 times as many deaths than all vaccines related deaths in last 30 years. The CDC themselves admit that VAERS reporting represents less than 1% of all the adverse reactions and deaths. Being forced to take an experimental injection when there are other effective prophylactics that are superior to it is very telling. There are over 61 peer reviewed studies confirming natural immunity is superior to these forced injections. The Isreali study is the one that is most touted. Natural immunity is being thrown under the bus for the sake of politics and profit.
I really didn't know who Aaron Rodgers was until this interview. In fact, I thought he may be a Colin Kaepernick communist. Not so. This man deserves a huge amount of credit for what he just stated. We all have autonomy over our own bodies and have the absolute right in deciding what is best for ourselves.
If they can get away with this.... and so far they are, where does it end?
I never liked this guy, pretty much because of a mix of his cold fish personality and the way things worked out with Favre (I loved Favre, despite his imperfections.) But I'm coming around on Rodgers for a couple of reasons.
#1 I really don't care about football anymore so why waste any time disliking a football player? #2 I realize now that I was manipulated by the sports media in choosing a side in the whole Favre vs Green Bay/Rodgers scenario. I cared way more about that than I ever should have. And the media are also the ones that convinced me he was a cold fish. His current battles against the woke mob make me realize that if the dude ever showed up at my family's house for some stupid reason, we'd probably get along just fine.
This interview Rodger's did on the Pat McAfee Show really surprised me. I didn't know Rodgers was a believer of osteopathic, naturopathic, and homeopathic medicine. This is manifested in this 44 minute interview. I found Rodgers as being an extremely intelligent individual on the subject. If you listen to the entire interview, the perception I drew from it was that he was being very 'measured' in what he revealed. You could tell that he was holding back on much more information and kept the conversion in the realm of what he said was a "discussion". He was very passionate about it and describes his own persecution for not getting vaxxed.
He did hold back, but also rightfully called Big Pharma a criminal operation, but used it as a reason not to trust the Clot Shot. I looked up "Crimes and penalties of pharmaceutical companies" and there is a plethora of information on it. At citizen.org there's a pdf that shows how bad it really is. Nearly half the crimes involve 'concealing study violations. Ninety percent of the crimes involve not only this, but poor manufacturing processes, kickbacks, and monopoly practices. Rodgers has a very good point here for not trusting Big Pharma.
Pfizer amongst others has so many repeated strikes against it, they should have been shut down long ago. One really should question any product the pharmaceutical companies manufacture. Federal law requires pharmaceutical drug makers to report to Congress biannually the efficacy and safety of their product for recertification. In a class action lawsuit, it was found that these drug makers have not performed or kept efficacy and safety records for 32 years. Take note that this is when vaccine scheduling for children increased from 10 shots to over 30 shots and autism increased astronomically. Congress has played a huge roll in this fraud. And its even worse than this, government officials have passed laws legalizing vaccine fraud at the state, national, or international level, or otherwise have aided and abetted this vaccine fraud.
Vaccine companies have become so powerful, they appear, in my humble opinion to be more powerful than governments themselves. Pfizer has bullied so many governments, their contracts: (1) Reserves the Right to Silence Governments – Pfizer is silencing the governments through its contracts. It has forced countries not to talk about the deals they strike for shots. (2) Pfizer Controls Distribution of Shots – Pfizer controls the donations of the shots, not the country that buys them. (3) Pfizer will decide where the shots go. (4) Pfizer Secured an “IP Waiver” for Itself – If Pfizer is accused of intellectual property theft, governments will pay not the company. (5) Private Arbitrators, not Public Courts, Decide Disputes in Secret – If there are disputes, private arbitrators and not public courts will decide on them (6) Pfizer Can Go After State Assets – Pfizer can go after state assets to secure its compensation. (7) Pfizer Calls the Shots on Key Decisions – Pfizer decides delivery timeline and more.
You can look this up yourself as I have. It's mind blowing. Moreover, Rodger's story precedes the football season, in which in the off-season he appealed the NFL's mandate. He goes on to explain how many others in the league feel the same way, many of them feel they are being coerced. They realized they were 'expendable' and others would fill their position. So, they were forced to take the jab to save their careers.
Taking all of this in consideration, why are we being forced to take one type of prophylactic, especially when the government’s own data proves COVID-19 shots are causing blood clots, heart disease, and death?
VAERS shows that in less than a year, there are more than 3 times as many deaths than all vaccines related deaths in last 30 years. The CDC themselves admit that VAERS reporting represents less than 1% of all the adverse reactions and deaths. Being forced to take an experimental injection when there are other effective prophylactics that are superior to it is very telling. There are over 61 peer reviewed studies confirming natural immunity is superior to these forced injections. The Isreali study is the one that is most touted. Natural immunity is being thrown under the bus for the sake of politics and profit.
I really didn't know who Aaron Rodgers was until this interview. In fact, I thought he may be a Colin Kaepernick communist. Not so. This man deserves a huge amount of credit for what he just stated. We all have autonomy over our own bodies and have the absolute right in deciding what is best for ourselves.
If they can get away with this.... and so far they are, where does it end?
I share your opinions. Loved Brett and always thought AR was a bit cold, arrogant (great QB tho, one of the very best).
After this vaxx shit I love him now, haha. "Immunized." Hahahaha that is some funny fuckin shit right there