Former DNI John Ratcliffe Turned Over 1,000 Documents to John Durham – Expects MANY MORE Indictments
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Do you think it possible to dig into one corruption and not uncover another even if tangential?
Durham began by pulling on one string, more will unravel from it.
I agree.
Let me expand on my thinking. Trump declass a lot of documents.
I am sure Trump had to filter through which documents to declass. Did Trump only think of Russia and the Intel only?
Or did Trump give him years of corruption ranging from the Fed Reserve, COVID scam, 12 Families and more.
That's my question.
Did Trump leave things out and only focused on Russia.
IMO, it would be impossible to release anything with that degree of specificity because of the number of players involved. Picking one out of a hat, at some point you intersect with a Russiagate AND Uranium-1 player (Oleg Deripaska). With that you'd eventually intersect with the Clinton Foundation. From that you'd eventually hit Haiti.
All this on top of a backdrop of everyone thinking HRC would win and any uncovering would be swiftly recovered. So, they got sloppy and gves context to "These people are stupid." But not just stupid, arrogant about their malfeasance in that they just knew they were untouchable. This is likely why Durham has taken so long, the magnitude of what he found.
Do you think this will link up to COVID and folks like Bill Gates and Klaus S? Bill Gates is pretty much openly stating another virus will be released.
That's war crimes in my view.
I want HRC to pay for sure. But guys like Gates and Klaus are we more dangerous then Clinton. Especially Gates with all the money he has.
Don't want to get too far out over my skis on predictions. I would guess that will be separate unless uncovered within the scope of Durham's work. That will change everything. Further guessing, once the snowball starts rolling downhill it will catch up a lot of disparate issues and The People will be yelling for justice. It's like dam breaking, first some and then a lot more.