Former DNI John Ratcliffe Turned Over 1,000 Documents to John Durham – Expects MANY MORE Indictments
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Some prosecutor took some preliminary info of crime to an empaneled grand jury and this grand jury found there it met the burden of proof for being officially charged with the crimes.
It’s a jury that doesn’t decide guilt or innocence, they decide if there is enough to arrest. This helps with large cases in two ways. Being indicted for crimes is a good way to get the lower people to roll. It also opens up surveillance options for far more aggressive surveillance, including attorney client privilege records involved.
so they decide there is enough to arrest - does that imply there is an arrest? Or is there another step they need with another jury?
At some point yes, the indictment leads to arrest. But for white collars shit like this, usually it’s handled through the lawyers unless your roger stone. The target doesn’t always end up in jail, although technically they have been charged and arrested. It’s a messy system with lots of variables.
People could have been indicted by a grand jury and not know it for years as further investigation continues.