If someone slaps you and you smirk a little and turn your cheek and tell them to give it another shot it is acknowledging their weakness to do any substantial damage. I will share a great essay about this particular passage that delves into the meaning of the actual words used in the original not the new age cucked English translations. Jesus was a badass. A caring badass but still a badass.
Please share I’d love to read it. Can you rate these versions on how cucked they are? I’m always torn and going back and forth because I do like the way certain versions flow better than others:
NASB 1995
Scale of 1 being uncucked and 10 being fully cucked if you will please
If someone slaps you and you smirk a little and turn your cheek and tell them to give it another shot it is acknowledging their weakness to do any substantial damage. I will share a great essay about this particular passage that delves into the meaning of the actual words used in the original not the new age cucked English translations. Jesus was a badass. A caring badass but still a badass.
Please share I’d love to read it. Can you rate these versions on how cucked they are? I’m always torn and going back and forth because I do like the way certain versions flow better than others:
NASB 1995
Scale of 1 being uncucked and 10 being fully cucked if you will please