The year following the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, the Federal Reserve was established, in 1913.
Woodrow Wilson, Francis Browne, Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip, The Rockefeller family, Henry Davison, Charles Norton, Franz Xavier Wernz, J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg all conspired to kill off the three primary opponents of the Federal Reserve: John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isador Strauss before illegally pushing the Federal Reserve Act.
JP Morgan funded the build of the Titanic and financially operated it through a company they also owned a majority stake in, the White Star Line.
There's more to this story than just simply creating the Fed. It also ties in with the Russian Communist Revolution and The Second 30-years war, along with the continued destruction of the now forgotten Tartarian empire. This subject is a very deep rabbit hole with lots of side tunnels.
Interesting Side Note: Mr. Astor was also a close friend of Nikola Tesla.
Great find. No coincidences.
The year following the sinking of the Titanic in 1912, the Federal Reserve was established, in 1913.
Woodrow Wilson, Francis Browne, Nelson Aldrich, Frank Vanderlip, The Rockefeller family, Henry Davison, Charles Norton, Franz Xavier Wernz, J.P. Morgan, Paul Warburg all conspired to kill off the three primary opponents of the Federal Reserve: John Jacob Astor, Benjamin Guggenheim and Isador Strauss before illegally pushing the Federal Reserve Act.
JP Morgan funded the build of the Titanic and financially operated it through a company they also owned a majority stake in, the White Star Line.
There's more to this story than just simply creating the Fed. It also ties in with the Russian Communist Revolution and The Second 30-years war, along with the continued destruction of the now forgotten Tartarian empire. This subject is a very deep rabbit hole with lots of side tunnels.
Interesting Side Note: Mr. Astor was also a close friend of Nikola Tesla.
Way more.