Its far more insiduous than that. Its got very little to do with elected officials and more to do with blind faith in "experts" and "scientists". It has to do more with systematic subversion of science, media, medical community, etc, its about people getting their world view from news bytes and headlines, it has to do with indoctrinated education system, with seductive false ideologies, with people losing their path to God. And of course the evil people who are using these things.
There are so many things to tackles, and for most people it would look like an impossibility, but thats what makes this Q plan amazing. Its exposing every vein of this evil and we will destroy them all.
Its far more insiduous than that. Its got very little to do with elected officials and more to do with blind faith in "experts" and "scientists". It has to do more with systematic subversion of science, media, medical community, etc, its about people getting their world view from news bytes and headlines, it has to do with indoctrinated education system, with seductive false ideologies, with people losing their path to God. And of course the evil people who are using these things.
There are so many things to tackles, and for most people it would look like an impossibility, but thats what makes this Q plan amazing. Its exposing every vein of this evil and we will destroy them all.
You are correct but sometimes cognitive dissonance leads me to a more "Pollyanna" excuse, kek.