posted ago by GoingCamaro ago by GoingCamaro +45 / -1

Looking at the 16 year plan and the oh so perfect timing of the Sandy Hook... Event, it occurs to me that what is happening in Australia is supposed to be happening here. But we're getting a much different sort of treatment, why? Because we're armed.

If you look closely all of these attempts to coerce us are all toing the line of the law. Why? These people don't care about the law. It's simple: optics. What they want is to push these fake mandates until someone uses their guns. Then they can get their "look at this nutjob with a gun" moment.

The problem is, we're onto their bullshit. See, people were not convinced that Sandy Hook went down the way it did. In fact at least half of the country accepts the possibility that those kids were executed by the government... Or more likely, I'd say their killings were staged and they were trafficked considering what we know now.

Look at the timing. Big brotha O just got his second term. What does he care if he goes down as the gun grabbing President. Thankfully we were not so easily fooled and were already becoming distrustful of the mockingbird media.

Stay strong and hold your ground. The night is always darkest before the dawn, but the best really is yet to come.