The Communist/Satanist/Globalist One World Government takeover will never be completed because we won't let it, but you are right. Exactly how far we will need to go to prevent it is still in question and depends largely on fixing election security issues.
Guessing "just die" was #2 on the list.
Check in at Hotel Gitmo.
Hang from a rope by the neck until his bone fall to the ground.
Most votes evah!!!
I don’t think Kamala can be any worse than Joe. Maybe she will even grow a pair of brass and stand up to those wielding power in the basement.
I read that in Steve Harveys voice. Think I've been watching too much Family Feud.
I'm not sure she COULD be much worse than Biden.
"Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned".... she be scorned.....truly....
Well, as I understand it, she did literally suck her way to the top.
She doesn't see, in her hubris, that what she did was all too wrong-typical "ends justify the means" thinking.
The Communist/Satanist/Globalist One World Government takeover will never be completed because we won't let it, but you are right. Exactly how far we will need to go to prevent it is still in question and depends largely on fixing election security issues.