20 OK... I see tons of these collages with every picture designated as Jewish. My instincts tell me these are true, but I still have strong believably with my normie friends, and dont want to add this topic without proof. Can anyone here definitively show some sauce on any of these? (media.greatawakening.win) posted 3 years ago by Swervish 3 years ago by Swervish +20 / -0 13 comments download share 13 comments share download save hide report block hide replies
Check backgrounds yourself if that is what you want to know. Wikipedia usually has that info. Most lefties accept that.
Good Call...
That's gonna be a LOT of clicks, but... at least I'll learn what true autists do.
Well yeah. That's how digging for yourself is done.
Get to the bare Bones. That should be your endgame anyways. Otherwise the opposition argues your sources aren't good enough until you do.
Understood. It was just a simple request to see if the completed work was already at hand.