You know all these false flags that been happening? They were a set up for this! Sandy hook, las vegas theatre school shooting, boston bombing etc. all lead up to this to brainwash everyone he’s just another crazy fucking lunatic shooting people up when in this case it was self defense.
Why would they do it? Regular citizens don’t have a saying in the verdict, the jurors do. Maybe the media wants to hype it up to the point they influence the jurors as well? Maybe they look to start more protests and unrest once the verdict is unfavorable to leftist and have blind people support them just like they supported blm
You know all these false flags that been happening? They were a set up for this! Sandy hook, las vegas theatre school shooting, boston bombing etc. all lead up to this to brainwash everyone he’s just another crazy fucking lunatic shooting people up when in this case it was self defense.
Why would they do it? Regular citizens don’t have a saying in the verdict, the jurors do. Maybe the media wants to hype it up to the point they influence the jurors as well? Maybe they look to start more protests and unrest once the verdict is unfavorable to leftist and have blind people support them just like they supported blm