Our enemies control the paroles too.
They can release an inmate early on the (secret) condition that they provide a 'service' for a number of years, usually drug trafficking, but also ratline infrastructure, intimidation etc. Usually biker gangs are used to make up this 'paroled' army.
Rosenbaum was almost certainly one of these.
Rosenbaum would have killed Kyle if he took his gun. If you try something like that you had it coming
And all of reddit would have collectively masturbated to the footage.
I swear with these last names we could be talking about lawyers in the DOJ.🙄👀
Our enemies control the paroles too. They can release an inmate early on the (secret) condition that they provide a 'service' for a number of years, usually drug trafficking, but also ratline infrastructure, intimidation etc. Usually biker gangs are used to make up this 'paroled' army. Rosenbaum was almost certainly one of these.