Yes I suspect the GME MOASS is planned to destroy the banks.
If the MOASS happens and the due diligence suggests it will sometime after the float is locked up. I would theorize it would create a cascade of failures starting with the hedge funds then prime brokers the the clearing house then the big boss the Fed.
As the Fed can in theory just print money, likely scenario is that flatter it does that there will be such an issue with it that Congress is forced to act and pull its charter. Fini.
Yes I suspect the GME MOASS is planned to destroy the banks. If the MOASS happens and the due diligence suggests it will sometime after the float is locked up. I would theorize it would create a cascade of failures starting with the hedge funds then prime brokers the the clearing house then the big boss the Fed.
As the Fed can in theory just print money, likely scenario is that flatter it does that there will be such an issue with it that Congress is forced to act and pull its charter. Fini.