We Are Watching A White Hat Movie: The 2021 USA Inc. Joe Biden Shadow Presidency
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Yea ok.
How many people have to say or point out something before it's not considered a coincidence?
Fun site!
I think this site is corrupted or something. I'm not computer sauve per se, but I clicked on something on this site and it immediately redirected to a site that said "Virus found APPLE" then went to a few other sites before ending up on Yahoo Sports News. If you experienced the same thing I am sorry for that, I have no affiliation with humorousmathematics nor do I find that site trustworthy anymore. I guess I have to debug my computer or get virus protection at his point. With the behavior of our, purportedly, legal enforcement agencies, I have some concerns about how Lawfully they act. With the way Jan 6'ers are treated, the arguably treasonous behavior of our Law enforcement, Australias draconian laws enabling their Federal agencies to change/create/distort social posting, etc. etc. etc. I wonder if I have been targeted by one of the alphabets because I do speak out and want to regain a LAWFUL, MORAL, and PROSPEROUS NATION.
Regardless I get solicitous raunchy posts on this site and other odd linkings that my girlfriend doesn't. I think my computer is corrupted or being corrupted.
Well, that was entertaining.
If true, Trump is playing the biggest practical joke of all time.