I'm sorry, but where are you getting this information from? If it's the Book of Revelation, Daniel or Matthew 23-24, you need to reread these books without the background noise of the so called "Prophecy experts" who keep predicting the end of the world. Please remember what God said about those who would claim to be prophets...If their prophecy didn't come true, they were not sent by Him!
All the things you just listed have already happened...or Jesus lied when He said, "Verily I say unto you, This generation (obviously the generation to whom He was speaking) shall NOT PASS, till ALL these things be fulfilled." Matthew 24:34.
If you indeed study the eyewitness accounts of Rome's sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD, you will realize that indeed, Jesus was true to His words spoken here! And Jesus did return as set up His kingdom on earth as He said he would, but people keep missing the point that it was a spiritual kingdom...it was the old kingdom of Judaism being wiped away and the New Kingdom being put in place, which is Jesus as our High Priest and all sin forgiven without the need for a man made temple or animal sacrifices! Great NEWS man!
I respectfully disagree and think you need to read scripture my friend. I'm not at all sure how you come up with Jesus splitting the two events described in Matthew 24 into two completely different time frames...one of which (according to you) is some 2,000 plus years from the generation to whom Jesus was speaking at the time? The text just doesn't read that way in any way shape or form...at all! In verse 29 Jesus references the "Great Tribulation" of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and then in that same verse speaks of the moon going dark, the stars falling and the powers of heaven being shaken and the very next verse Jesus describes His second coming. Then to add insult to injury to your argument, Jesus states in verse 33, "So likewise ye, (referring to the disciples to whom He was speaking)...YE, when YE shall see ALL these things, know that the END is NEAR (does that sound like 2,000 years to you?), even at the doors." And then to finish it off in verse 34, Jesus states, "Verily I say unto you, THIS GENERATION (the generation to whom He was speaking) shall NOT PASS, till ALL these things be FULFILLED." Jesus did return at that generation because He said he would...proof of which is the fact that not only did Jesus die and rise from the dead to completely annihilate satan's grip on mankind because of sin (the old covenant was replaced) and Jesus was officially (so to speak) instituted as our High Priest (the foundational placement of the New Covenant by the payment of our sins forever through the blood of our Savior) and His Kingdom (forever Kingdom) was established at THAT point when He came BACK to shake the powers of the heavens as described in verse 29. Please re-read these verses and please don't accuse me of not reading scripture...most unbecoming of you!
I also want to point out that so far...every prediction of Jesus second (according to the so called "prophecy experts like Hal Lindsey...et. all.) have been wrong...but not to be dissuaded by the mark of a true prophet of God as laid out in the Book of Deuteronomy, they continue to predict His second coming. How many times are they going to have to be wrong before Christians begin writing these freeloading charlatans off as false prophets? Now don't get me wrong, I do believe that Jesus is coming back to set up a New Heaven and a New Earth as describe in the Book of Revelation. Obviously when you look around its clear to see this has not yet happened. However, there is much evidence and motive on the part of the NWO cabal being the instigators monetarily and otherwise of the promotion of Darby's erroneous dispensational teaching. Remember, you will know them by their fruit and it's dispensationalism that's led the Church down this path to serfdom we now find ourselves in. Darbyism has led to the Church standing down (mainly because why would we fight the evil of the day when we are going to be raptured out before the bad stuff happens). And (according to modern, so called "prophecy experts," most of whom were trained in Darbyism at any one of innumerable so called "Christian colleges"...the worst of which is Dallas Theological Seminary) the NWO will inevitably win and for a period of time at least, mankind is going to serve under global government. What impetus (humanly speaking and taking into account our fallen human nature) do Christians have for fighting an enemy who they believe (at least according to Darby's take on things) they are powerless to win against...especially if their beloved Bibles teach them they cannot win?
Now, I'm not claiming to have the end times all figured out, but I do see a pattern here and I do see a correlation between the effectiveness of the Church in the affairs of the world (especially geopolitically) and the false teachings of Darbyism and the NWO Bibles! Another interesting study that most pastors refuse to teach their flocks...but I digress...
So much more I could say on this subject...but this is way too long as it is...
I'm sorry, but where are you getting this information from? If it's the Book of Revelation, Daniel or Matthew 23-24, you need to reread these books without the background noise of the so called "Prophecy experts" who keep predicting the end of the world. Please remember what God said about those who would claim to be prophets...If their prophecy didn't come true, they were not sent by Him!
All the things you just listed have already happened...or Jesus lied when He said, "Verily I say unto you, This generation (obviously the generation to whom He was speaking) shall NOT PASS, till ALL these things be fulfilled." Matthew 24:34.
If you indeed study the eyewitness accounts of Rome's sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD, you will realize that indeed, Jesus was true to His words spoken here! And Jesus did return as set up His kingdom on earth as He said he would, but people keep missing the point that it was a spiritual kingdom...it was the old kingdom of Judaism being wiped away and the New Kingdom being put in place, which is Jesus as our High Priest and all sin forgiven without the need for a man made temple or animal sacrifices! Great NEWS man!
I think Obummer is the Antichrist and We saw Jesus in 2018 changed my life.
I don't know who the "we" is that saw Jesus but you might want to double check that
Well I wasn’t alone. So no Why change the truth?
So who else saw?
Well said...
The book of Revelation was written between 81-96 AD. That is, after the sacking of Jerusalem in 70 AD.
In Matthew 24 Christ discusses two events, the destruction of the temple and His return. He hasn't returned yet.
You really need to read scripture.
I respectfully disagree and think you need to read scripture my friend. I'm not at all sure how you come up with Jesus splitting the two events described in Matthew 24 into two completely different time frames...one of which (according to you) is some 2,000 plus years from the generation to whom Jesus was speaking at the time? The text just doesn't read that way in any way shape or form...at all! In verse 29 Jesus references the "Great Tribulation" of the destruction of Jerusalem in 70 AD and then in that same verse speaks of the moon going dark, the stars falling and the powers of heaven being shaken and the very next verse Jesus describes His second coming. Then to add insult to injury to your argument, Jesus states in verse 33, "So likewise ye, (referring to the disciples to whom He was speaking)...YE, when YE shall see ALL these things, know that the END is NEAR (does that sound like 2,000 years to you?), even at the doors." And then to finish it off in verse 34, Jesus states, "Verily I say unto you, THIS GENERATION (the generation to whom He was speaking) shall NOT PASS, till ALL these things be FULFILLED." Jesus did return at that generation because He said he would...proof of which is the fact that not only did Jesus die and rise from the dead to completely annihilate satan's grip on mankind because of sin (the old covenant was replaced) and Jesus was officially (so to speak) instituted as our High Priest (the foundational placement of the New Covenant by the payment of our sins forever through the blood of our Savior) and His Kingdom (forever Kingdom) was established at THAT point when He came BACK to shake the powers of the heavens as described in verse 29. Please re-read these verses and please don't accuse me of not reading scripture...most unbecoming of you!
I also want to point out that so far...every prediction of Jesus second (according to the so called "prophecy experts like Hal Lindsey...et. all.) have been wrong...but not to be dissuaded by the mark of a true prophet of God as laid out in the Book of Deuteronomy, they continue to predict His second coming. How many times are they going to have to be wrong before Christians begin writing these freeloading charlatans off as false prophets? Now don't get me wrong, I do believe that Jesus is coming back to set up a New Heaven and a New Earth as describe in the Book of Revelation. Obviously when you look around its clear to see this has not yet happened. However, there is much evidence and motive on the part of the NWO cabal being the instigators monetarily and otherwise of the promotion of Darby's erroneous dispensational teaching. Remember, you will know them by their fruit and it's dispensationalism that's led the Church down this path to serfdom we now find ourselves in. Darbyism has led to the Church standing down (mainly because why would we fight the evil of the day when we are going to be raptured out before the bad stuff happens). And (according to modern, so called "prophecy experts," most of whom were trained in Darbyism at any one of innumerable so called "Christian colleges"...the worst of which is Dallas Theological Seminary) the NWO will inevitably win and for a period of time at least, mankind is going to serve under global government. What impetus (humanly speaking and taking into account our fallen human nature) do Christians have for fighting an enemy who they believe (at least according to Darby's take on things) they are powerless to win against...especially if their beloved Bibles teach them they cannot win?
Now, I'm not claiming to have the end times all figured out, but I do see a pattern here and I do see a correlation between the effectiveness of the Church in the affairs of the world (especially geopolitically) and the false teachings of Darbyism and the NWO Bibles! Another interesting study that most pastors refuse to teach their flocks...but I digress...
So much more I could say on this subject...but this is way too long as it is...