posted ago by Slechta5614 ago by Slechta5614 +26 / -0

Just wanted to remind everyone that there has never been a whole group of anything that has beem evil. Evil infiltrates, rises to the top and then corrupts. While all the while the average person in that group is overall not a bad person. This applies to all groups, all races, all structures and corporations. From the catholic church, to the jewish faith, to america, LGBTQ. To the vaxxed. Its always been a small group of evil controlling a large group of people. Its important we see the true enemy and to see that they have the tenticles spread across all things. This is very true with the vax debate to. Make sure we fight for free will to choose as oppose to against the vaxxed. Most of them acted in fear and pushing more fear on them will not help. We have to love them and help them take back their will. FIGHT FOR FREE WILL TO CHOOSE. The enemy wants us divided because together thru Christ we have endless potential love u all. God bless