Have enough MPD cops woken that the gvmt had to back down? Or will the gvmt use footage and surveillance to go round up people quietly - because the footage of the MPD beating thier own people didn't go down so well?
Ex US LEO here - wrote to MPD after the footage of them beating thier own people.Asked can you look yourself in the mirror and like what you see - then you shouldn't be on the job. And if you don't like what you see then you should quit.
Have footage of one brave female MPD sergeant (10 yr vet) saying this vid is her resignation because she won't beat her own people.
Praying to God it doesn't go where it is appearing to inevitably go.
When the people are afraid of the government there is tyranny. When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty.
".. the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.." - Thomas Jefferson
God Bless Aussie patriots.
Have enough MPD cops woken that the gvmt had to back down? Or will the gvmt use footage and surveillance to go round up people quietly - because the footage of the MPD beating thier own people didn't go down so well?
Ex US LEO here - wrote to MPD after the footage of them beating thier own people.Asked can you look yourself in the mirror and like what you see - then you shouldn't be on the job. And if you don't like what you see then you should quit.
Have footage of one brave female MPD sergeant (10 yr vet) saying this vid is her resignation because she won't beat her own people.
Praying to God it doesn't go where it is appearing to inevitably go.
When the people are afraid of the government there is tyranny. When the government is afraid of the people there is liberty.
".. the tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots & tyrants.." - Thomas Jefferson
MAGA - Us Make Aussie Great Again - Our Mates