Instead of using big pharma suggestions they recommend things you can buy over the counter, supplements, vitamins, essential oils, etc.
Examples: clove essential oil for tooth pain ginger or peppermint for digestive issues
Instead of using big pharma suggestions they recommend things you can buy over the counter, supplements, vitamins, essential oils, etc.
Examples: clove essential oil for tooth pain ginger or peppermint for digestive issues
Most of them get really wishy-washy and granola munchingly homeopathic...
The most consistently reliable and truthful info you are likely to find will be in bodybuilding/weightlifting/performance athletics(supplement/nutrition sub-forums) and nootropics forums as these are people that genuinely care about results and what is effective and as such they are analytical and methodical in their way of thinking and also quick to discard anything that doesn't work or that appears to have undesirable effects....
Other places that have real and useful info tend to be survivalist and prepper forums(for much the same reasons), haven't been there in ages but used to be a really good place...