FOUR years ago, we knew (and they did, too) the worthless rat bastards at the Washington Post were lying. Now that Durham has forced their epic correction, it is DONE. With the decisive liquidation of their dogshit Russia collusion narrative, WaPo's reputation has officially filed for bankruptcy.

Let's just hope that the NYT, LA Times, and Chicago Tribune are facing similar financial difficulties.
NPR = evil at the top
I'm amazed that so many people view NPR as an entity with no bias. I get that leftists would buy their bullshit hook, line, and sinker ... but I know some centrists and center-right people that think that they're fair. It is so goddamn frustrating.
I used to listen to their "music of the world" when it was on (I don't anymore ... I refuse to give them anything resembling a rating) ... it came in handy arguing with liberals online. I'd trash NPR, they'd claim I never listened to it, I'd tell them about that show, they'd then call me CHUD-inbred-racist. Fucking scumbags.
Where did you see anything about finances?
Bankruptcy (in the title there...last word) usually means financial problems.
OP is referring to Moral Bankruptcy, not financial.
M'kay... yeah, I see your point.
Reading comprehension is important.
Notice that doesn't actually have to do with finances?