"The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the “9/11 Commission”) investigated these rumors and found that although some unusual (and initially seemingly suspicious) trading activity did occur in the days prior to September 11, it was all coincidentally innocuous and not the result of insider trading by parties with foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks"
So, SNOPES faggots give evidence that admittedly supports the claims they've nonetheless labeled "false" because the government called these anomalies "coincidences." Riiiiight 🙄🤡🎥🍿
"The National Commission on Terrorist Attacks Upon the United States (also known as the “9/11 Commission”) investigated these rumors and found that although some unusual (and initially seemingly suspicious) trading activity did occur in the days prior to September 11, it was all coincidentally innocuous and not the result of insider trading by parties with foreknowledge of the 9/11 attacks"
So, SNOPES faggots give evidence that admittedly supports the claims they've nonetheless labeled "false" because the government called these anomalies "coincidences." Riiiiight 🙄🤡🎥🍿
Probably the same "coincidences" that lead Queen of Evil Pelosi to have annual investing returns that beat every professional manager