posted ago by purkiss80 ago by purkiss80 +48 / -0

I could be wrong, but I think NYT and Cabal just willingly stepped into two bear traps.

Premise: I don’t believe for one second that James O’Keefe left anything on that phone that he wasn’t willing for the FBI to have. He just experienced one former journalist and one current journalist of his being raided two days prior. He is too smart, too well trained, and too experienced to have left sensitive data/Intel on that phone...

Likewise, I don’t believe for one second that Steve Bannon is surprised or anything less than EAGER to take on the J6 Committee...

The trap for the NYT:

  1. They just reintroduced the Biden Diary into the public conversation a year after that story died. Not good for the Biden’s.
  2. NYT just published a story based on old info about Project Veritas and privileged communications with their lawyers for which James can file ANOTHER lawsuit against them. Also, the story actually made PV look pretty good IMO.
  3. NYT may have just exposed their leaker. If the NYT got what they claimed, it’s a scandal. James may have left that info on his phone purposefully, knowing the NYT’s mole/leaker inside the FBI office or lab would transfer it to the NYT. There’s a chain of custody for that phone that can be followed...

The trap for the Deep State:...

  1. Of all the people that the J6 Committee has subpoenaed, Steve Bannon is the MOST honey badger like person. He may be the most honey badger like person ever! Just look at him! That man does not give AF what the media, Dems, or anyone else says or thinks about him. He will not be intimidated by ANYONE, he will pull no punches, he will give no quarter to the enemies of MAGA and America. The J6 Committee has foolishly chosen a fight with one of the most informed, influential, and formidable MAGA Patriots. He is also one the BEST people to explain the events of J6. He knows every minute of that day, that week, and so does his massive audience.
  2. I’ve long thought that Trump Team’s fight with J6 is a lot like his battle over his taxes and the Ukraine phone call. He puts up resistance and makes them fight, makes them set precedent, and then when they finally get what they’re after it’s either nothing OR makes Trump look good. I think this battle here is precedent-setting and will be turned on the Dems in due time. When we take back the House and Senate and start going after THE CABAL’S documents and communications from 2020 and January 2021.