Thanks for the report, one thing stuck out for me:
This section was ran by members (in uniform) of the National Guard.
Remember that early on during vaccine roll out it was mainly NG and Military rolling out, and how later on people were feeling that the initial vaccines were probably much higher percentage of placebos?
I think the same is happening with the kids - probably much higher percentage of placebos. I hope so, no matter how bad the battle is, hate to see innocent kids become casualties.
Thanks for the report, one thing stuck out for me:
Remember that early on during vaccine roll out it was mainly NG and Military rolling out, and how later on people were feeling that the initial vaccines were probably much higher percentage of placebos?
I think the same is happening with the kids - probably much higher percentage of placebos. I hope so, no matter how bad the battle is, hate to see innocent kids become casualties.
i have seen at least two in my area w vax injures, cardiac and neuroligic