On 4chan there is a board called “random” or /b I used to go to when I was a much younger adult. Its a very popular and deranged place. Sometimes you can find a great you laugh you lose thread but mostly now I think its gore and porn of all types. A group of threads took over several years ago: a series of gay/trans compilation videos modded to spin in a circle, change color and even blink in different colors. The threads or videos were called “hypno-sissys” and I always thought it was a thread ruiner or a joke? Anyways, way interesting how that can be connected to the here and now. P.S. /b on 4chan is a degenerate paradise and I stay far far away these days.
On 4chan there is a board called “random” or /b I used to go to when I was a much younger adult. Its a very popular and deranged place. Sometimes you can find a great you laugh you lose thread but mostly now I think its gore and porn of all types. A group of threads took over several years ago: a series of gay/trans compilation videos modded to spin in a circle, change color and even blink in different colors. The threads or videos were called “hypno-sissys” and I always thought it was a thread ruiner or a joke? Anyways, way interesting how that can be connected to the here and now. P.S. /b on 4chan is a degenerate paradise and I stay far far away these days.