🇺🇸 Since they are being sued that’s why they might have changed their name…hmmmm 🇺🇸 Thoughts 💭
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And God happened to use "Meta" often throughout end times Bible prophecy.
Revelation 17:12 - "And the ten horns which thou sawest are ten kings, which have received no kingdom as yet; but receive power as kings one hour WITH the beast." The word WITH in this verse was translated from the Greek word "Meta".
I too saw this presentation and sadly it fails when one looks deeply. The comment I added ...
This was interesting but seriously overplayed. meta - strongs 3326 appears 473 times in the New testament. Every with, after, among is translated from one of the three forms of meta - eg Matthew 17:1 ' and after six days' so Jesus after (meta) six days took the three disciples taking the mount of transfiguration - they cannot all mean what is being suggested here! Gene says people will consume this product - how are they to consume Matthew 17:1???
Matthew 24:4 when asked about the end times Jesus first response was - 'don't be deceived ...' always check out for yourself things people claim so you can defend your use..
Many Bible words are mistranslated - whether through accident, ignorance or simply because there's no English equivalent. Unfortunately, it results in an entirely different interpretation. Even the Hebrew word "Elohim" is variously translated as both "God" and "gods". (It is actually plural.) Many scholars think that it's actually referring to a number of beings (Annunaki?) who were in charge of everything.