We need to ask more questions. Debate and logic 101 if an argument can hold up under intense scrutiny then it is a good argument. The left cannot do this and so they censor.
From my perspective the left are compromised of a small number of educated people trying to find excuses for human depravity. The people they serve will barely come out and vote and most don’t believe them because unlike the left who have money to live in upper scale areas (subconscious effort to live around poor areas and justify why they should have so much while others have very little)— these committing crimes are family and friends. They’ve seen the collapse of culture responsible for spiritual dread. The left are psychopathic and spin their narratives to justify their privilege. They would not ever live under the same conditions as their constituents, they devised these narratives to answer the problems they have living around the paid help.
Paid help will be replaced by robots who will be pushed to the inner ring suburbs and you will not see discussions about race then. This is temporary in my opinion until they solve this problem permanently.
We need to ask more questions. Debate and logic 101 if an argument can hold up under intense scrutiny then it is a good argument. The left cannot do this and so they censor.
From my perspective the left are compromised of a small number of educated people trying to find excuses for human depravity. The people they serve will barely come out and vote and most don’t believe them because unlike the left who have money to live in upper scale areas (subconscious effort to live around poor areas and justify why they should have so much while others have very little)— these committing crimes are family and friends. They’ve seen the collapse of culture responsible for spiritual dread. The left are psychopathic and spin their narratives to justify their privilege. They would not ever live under the same conditions as their constituents, they devised these narratives to answer the problems they have living around the paid help.
Paid help will be replaced by robots who will be pushed to the inner ring suburbs and you will not see discussions about race then. This is temporary in my opinion until they solve this problem permanently.