Remember those fun modmail screenies from angry tards and shills? Not today. Modmail lately has been dark, with heartbreaking mails from some top regulars in that mix. Remember, frens—YOU are what makes this thankless job *worth it.* Spend some happy, quality time with our favorite Pepe today! 😍.

Very true. These past 7 years I worked so insanely hard, it all started on a whim. I asked God for guidance as I kept being sent down this path that made no sense.
Why work multiple side jobs until the point of your heart hurting? I used to take a 20 minute nap in the rest area to ease the pain, then get back on the highway for more work.
Why stay in a dead end job, when the people you trained moved on to Big Tech jobs to make double? (And spat in your face on the way up?)
Why stay in a relationship that ran its course? Why try to fix it? There's plenty of fish in the sea.
When covid happened, it all made sense. The lockdowns killed all the side jobs, and gave me time to study again. The hard work provided money to survive, a dead end job turned into my saving grace against the vaxx, and the fights in my relationships were renewed with fights to survive.
And the co-workers I trained? Let's just say God punished them by giving them exactly what they wanted.
I felt like I was being tested, and I feel like I understand what Noah felt. God wants me to be part of this next phase, and Im ready!
Well done for hanging in there thru the trials...you have experienced God's Grace!