Remember those fun modmail screenies from angry tards and shills? Not today. Modmail lately has been dark, with heartbreaking mails from some top regulars in that mix. Remember, frens—YOU are what makes this thankless job *worth it.* Spend some happy, quality time with our favorite Pepe today! 😍.

I have always had so much love and respect for the mods here but when u said this "Modding here isn't the world end or the purpose of my life.. Pursuing my passions, I feel, takes more courage than pretending that modding GAW was the main purpose of my life." It some how made me love and respect u guys even more. Its important that u guys see even u are more than just GAW. This place is just the start of us all finding out how awesome God truly designed us to be. Keep this mindset my fren. God has such amazing plans for each of us and u are only defined when u stop letting yourself grow. Keep pursuing ur passion, keep being the awesome leaders that God put u in place to be BUT NEVER let yourself say this is who I am because God always wants to make u more
I do this because I genuinely love this movement and the people who just know not that "something is wrong," but that have a sense of what whatever "should be" should look like. Each of us is very different and individual from each other, but it's what we have in common that binds us all together. We hate injustice. We know this is fucked up. That goes deeper than a tribe. We're not here because of our hobbies or interests. We're here because this shit matters. America falls, we ALL fall. And I'm Canadian, saying that!
Sooo true...Thank you northern neighbor! 🍁
Thank you, southern patriot. Now that we're pals, you're OK if I invite the entire US Army over to my pad for a big BBQ? Right?
You're the best 👑Sircats! 😸
Y'all can come down here to the Texas coast and eat with us...we know all about BBQ & Seafood! We'd love to have y'all and you won't believe this but eventhough we're on the coast we are 17 feet above sea level! No kidding!
So excited for your Egyptian trip! My Mom & I stood in line all night to see the first "Treasures of Tutankhamun" in January of 1978 at the New Orleans Museum of Art. It was freezing rain and luckily the museum had set up bleachers along the sidewalk so I stood in the rain while she sat. All that to say it was the most incredible memories of my life. Everyone who toured was awestruck and were eerily quiet. The exhibition was brilliantly arranged because as you entered at the beginning there was a Yuge photo (8ft x 20ft) over the door of Howard Carter and his workmen standing in front of the Sealed tomb door, then as we entered that room the floor sloped down like the ramp Carter and company walked down into the tomb! It was as though we entered the tomb also. Each room continued like that, huge pictures with the exhibit items in the rooms they were discovered in. I still get chills thinking about it. The finale was King Tuts burial mask! My husband, mom and I saw the next tour when it was in Dallas in November 2008...such a disappointment compared to the first US tour...not the objects, but the way they were displayed...no originality or mystery.
Hopefully you will write a book, blog or something about your adventures cause they sound exciting!
AMEN, fren!