I'm Catholic, and I remember when he got "elected" (have major doubts it was a true election) ALL the liberal talk heads and media hosts were foaming at the mouth in adoration of Bergoglio. I KNEW that something was up. NEVER had the media, in total, been so in love with a newly elected Pope. They weren't like this with Benedict that's for sure. They said things like, "He's a more moderate Pope, maybe the Church will FINALLY approve gay marriage!" or "FINALLY, a Pope that is about the PEOPLE!" Yeah, alarm bells went off.
Yes, the Pope should obviously care about people and especially the people in the Church, but to put them BEFORE Christ Jesus is sacrilege and apostasy. Mr. Pope sir, you are supposed to be the Vicar of CHRIST, not the Vicar of Wokeified Leftards who don't even go to Church or believe in God anyway and never will!
I'm Catholic, and I remember when he got "elected" (have major doubts it was a true election) ALL the liberal talk heads and media hosts were foaming at the mouth in adoration of Bergoglio. I KNEW that something was up. NEVER had the media, in total, been so in love with a newly elected Pope. They weren't like this with Benedict that's for sure. They said things like, "He's a more moderate Pope, maybe the Church will FINALLY approve gay marriage!" or "FINALLY, a Pope that is about the PEOPLE!" Yeah, alarm bells went off.
Yes, the Pope should obviously care about people and especially the people in the Church, but to put them BEFORE Christ Jesus is sacrilege and apostasy. Mr. Pope sir, you are supposed to be the Vicar of CHRIST, not the Vicar of Wokeified Leftards who don't even go to Church or believe in God anyway and never will!