I’m a local to Kenosha seeing everything is the news is almost surreal. Seeing that the FBI had drones over the city the night of the riots is a big red flag. I have no doubt they had plenty of glow worms in the crowd.
We have this seemingly small family business in Kenosha called Tenutas it is famous for our area. Something I have always thought was cool until now is the wall of Presidents. As you enter the building the owner has a picture of himself with every President that has been in office. I don’t believe a picture was taken with Trump. This business would have been a top looting place lost of expensive alcohol and things to take or destroy. This business was left untouched even though it is located near where the riot took place. My family always joked about possible mafia ties but now I’m wondering if it’s more then a joke and more of a reality.
Racine is also known as Little Denmark.
The Wizards hide behind the curtains of Racine.
When did the Wizard of Oz film release?
When did the first Marvel comics release?
Why are there so many fact-checkers who are desperate to debunk the theories about the United States Corporation Company? Who controls corporate law, patent law, medical law and the caste system of the courts?
What is the Marshall Plan?
What is the Base of the Pyramid?
Who controls “How We Rise”?
Do you have another way to access this document? I get an error when I click on it that says "Token was not provided. Please go back to the article page and click the PDF link again."
The Wizard of Oz was released in 1939, the same year the Johnson Administration Building was constructed (which was described as "not an Emerald City" in an article you linked before).
The first Marvel comics were released in 1939 and 1947.
Presumably because it's true that the US really is a corporation and people are attempting to escape from the jurisdiction of that corporation.
I'm not sure... The one name I recognized out of that list of strange corporations was Lexis/Lexisnexis although I don't exact understand what they do. I know the provide electronic access to legal documents. I'm not sure how to figure out the answer to who controls corporate/patent/medical law.
What I find very interesting, though, is that those courts seem to avoid controlling those few who are outside of their jurisdiction even when they have the muscle to do so, almost as if there were some invisible superseding law that they are afraid of. Otherwise, why not just walk all over people who are outside of your jurisdiction if they don't have the power to stop you? The courts will only trample on someone's rights when they are certain they have them within one of their 2d "pen and paper boxes".
The Marshall Plan, drafted in 1947, is US economic aid given to Europe after WW2, ostensibly to help prevent the spread of Communism. Most of the aid went to Britain but a lot also went to Germany. It was the replacement plan for the overtly genocidal Morganthau plan which had been previously proposed.
The Marshall Plan was created "with help" from the Brookings Institute. This "help" was requested by the Dutch-American politician Arthur Vandenberg from Michigan.
The Base of the Pyramid is the more than four billion people globally with per capita incomes below $1,500, spoken about by the Johnson School of Management at Cornell.
The SC Johnson Base of the Pyramid Group supposedly helps to prevent disease, particularly mosquito borne disease, for the world's poorest four billion people.
I feel like I am missing something here..
The Brookings Institute.
"Allegedly the Rockefeller Foundation paid $139,000.00 in 1946 to commission the publishing of an "official" history of World War II that deleted any and all references to the mystical and occult interests of the Third Reich."