Stuff never discussed on this platform for sure. It's actually how I found out about the stuff we all now know to be true, here. This board is not ready for that, but think logically and you'll know what I'm talking about; hidden cures, hidden technologies, and hidden contacts. Bigger than most know as the universe is a pretty big place. The "map" is pretty inclusive. Believe it or not ten years ago I thought the hidden tech stuff would blow peoples mind. Now I just don't want them to take the jab or bs passports. My work has been successfully distracted, unfortunately, but that is okay because this is the fight at this moment. We have to fix the past to move to the future.
what's the weirdest thing you know?
Stuff never discussed on this platform for sure. It's actually how I found out about the stuff we all now know to be true, here. This board is not ready for that, but think logically and you'll know what I'm talking about; hidden cures, hidden technologies, and hidden contacts. Bigger than most know as the universe is a pretty big place. The "map" is pretty inclusive. Believe it or not ten years ago I thought the hidden tech stuff would blow peoples mind. Now I just don't want them to take the jab or bs passports. My work has been successfully distracted, unfortunately, but that is okay because this is the fight at this moment. We have to fix the past to move to the future.
Future proves past old man!