Even after Martin Luther, it was still a Catholic country. The Great wars, not excluding the French Revolution, had a goal of removing Catholic monarchies.
Looking at the situation from an a anthropological perspective, Masons have their own degrees & knighthoods (look into the knights of Malta, Templars) & they replaced Catholic Monarchies with Masonic system.
Catholic Monarchies are destroyed but the Satanic UK Royal family remains - the Masons boss.
History is never approached from that perspective.
Even after Martin Luther, it was still a Catholic country. The Great wars, not excluding the French Revolution, had a goal of removing Catholic monarchies.
Looking at the situation from an a anthropological perspective, Masons have their own degrees & knighthoods (look into the knights of Malta, Templars) & they replaced Catholic Monarchies with Masonic system. Catholic Monarchies are destroyed but the Satanic UK Royal family remains - the Masons boss.
History is never approached from that perspective.