Youngkin Will Allow Virginia Counties, Cities, K-12 Public Schools To Mandate COVID-19 Vaccines And Masks...While Youngkin insists that he will not mandate masks or vaccines, he is not going to block localities and K-12 public schools from implementing them on their own...
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That was the only mandate the state had though and like you said it came from Coonman himself not the county.
Youngkin is simply saying he won't interfere with counties/cities mandates, which is fine because none of them mandated anything themselves anyway, even though we still had soros coonman leading up to this.
The county/city battles are where we need to be fighting anyway.
Sorta on track.. we found it was not coonman himself was the clowns at the state education board that mandated it.. Coonman thought he (and by extension McAweful) could dodge the ire of the people