It can vary greatly by distro, what you have installed and use, and what you have constantly running
And you could have the most 'locked down' OS, but if you do everything online through logged-in chrome and other g-services, you're still giving out a lot of data
A less invasive OS with open source, trackerless versions of common software (where available), browsing discipline, potentially a vpn depending on what you want to avoid, etc, gets you pretty far
edit: should we 'name' these 'stacks' like how web stacks are named? i.e. LAMP = linux, apache, mysql, php
It can vary greatly by distro, what you have installed and use, and what you have constantly running
And you could have the most 'locked down' OS, but if you do everything online through logged-in chrome and other g-services, you're still giving out a lot of data
A less invasive OS with open source, trackerless versions of common software (where available), browsing discipline, potentially a vpn depending on what you want to avoid, etc, gets you pretty far
edit: should we 'name' these 'stacks' like how web stacks are named? i.e. LAMP = linux, apache, mysql, php
in that case, i run the FAPS stack
firefox, arch, protonmail, signal