It is 2021. It is no longer taboo to talk about how some people choose to be vaccinated. No glossary could possibly encompass all the terms these good people identify as. It is simply meant to be a guide that will aid you in understanding all the different diverse colors of the rainbow we have within the Church of Covid. It is a great sin to not call someone by a term they identify as.
Agender Vaccinated: A person without gender who does not base their gender/affiliation on the vaccine they received. An agender vaccinated individual’s body does not necessarily correspond with their lack of gender identity. Often, agender vaccinated individuals are not concerned with whether they get Moderna or Pfizer because they simply identify as generically vaccinated. Ally: An ally is anyone who has not been able to get the vaccine yet, but supports those who have. They all want to be vaccinated when it becomes available to them. Most allies are those who are ineligible due to their age or an underlying condition. They are allies in supporting anything that comes out of Lord Fauci's (MBUH) mouth. Androgynous Vaccinated: Individuals that are both male and female and have received both a Johnson & Johnson and an AstraZenica shot. Anti-Vaxxer: See "Trumper" or "Plague Rat" Avaccinated: Referred to as "Avax" for short; Avaccinated people don't get a rush from getting a vaccine, but they still get it. Avaccinated people exist across as spectrum. This term refers to people who feel varying degrees of desire towards getting the Covid-19 vaccines. Everyone who is avaccinated have gotten the vaccine, but they usually don't get that smug sense of superiority after the shot. Bigender/Pangender/Trigender Vaccinated: People who feel they are two, three, or all genders or flavors of vaccines. They may shift between these genders or be all of them at the same time. Sometimes they identify as an individual who received the J&J vaccine, but listen carefully to their words. They could change to a recipient of the Pfizer vaccine or a participant in the Moderna vaccine trials at any moment. Child-Sniffer: This refers to when Supreme Leader Biden smells the aroma of youth on those 13 years of age or younger. He loves little kids bouncing on his lap. It's appropriate and normal. It is completely different from being a pedophile. See "Pedophile" Cisgender Vaccinated: This refers to a person who only gets one kind of vaccine. They are relatively boring and don't mix/match vaccines as Lord Fauci (MBUH) recommends Cuomosexual: This is a term that refers to any mainstream media pundit who is sexually attracted to Cardinal Andrew Cuomo because of all his great policies and stunning good looks. Heathenousexual: This refers to a person who is vaccinated who is sexually attracted to an unvaccinated individual. They are able to carry this relationship out safely because they copulate between 1 or more glory holes. Homosexual Vaccinated: This refers to an individual who is sexually attracted to those who received a different a vaccine from a pharmaceutical company that is not akin to their own. For example, a person with pfizer vaccine is only attracted to someone who received an AstraZeneca shot. Pedophile: This is someone like Hunter Bide.... I mean the Orange Satan Donald Trump who wishes he could date his daughter Ivanka. Gross. Who would want to sleep with that manbearpig Ivanka? Polyvaccinated: Its similar to transvaccinated, but it is really its own identity. You get many vaccines of all kinds of vaccines or many kind of just one kind of vaccine. It's clearly different from transvaccinated. Pfizersexual: This is a person who is exclusively attracted to those who received the Pfizer vaccine. Sometimes Pfizersexuals exist on a spectrum and become curious about becoming sexually/romantically involved with those who received the Moderna shot. Preferred Pronouns: Pfi/Zer Plague Rat: Mostly white people who still have Trump 2020 stickers on the back of their Ford F-150's. They not only are not vaccinated, but they do not wear masks either. They cough on people and get sexual pleasure from watching people die on the ventilator. Transvaccinated: People who identify as a different vaccine from the one they received. Trumper: A solely white person (usually male) who hates minorities and the LGBTQIA+ community as much as they hate the Covid-19 vaccine. Non-Vaccinated Vaccinated Person(s): This terms refers to a person of any gender or no gender at all who have not received the vaccine via an intravenous needle. However, they still identify as vaccinated and very much should be treated as such. Follow the Science. Vaccinated Bear: A vaccinated gay or bisexual man who has facial/ body hair and a cuddly body. Cub: a young or younger looking version of a bear with a smaller frame. Chub: A heavy-set man who might be described as overweight or obese. Dolphin: A slender, athletic, hairless bear. Goldilocks: A straight woman who associates mostly or exclusively with bears. Otter: A slimmer or less hairy bear regardless of age with a passive personality. Wolf: An aggressive, rugged, and outdoorsy bear.
I cant read this Word salad, is that a copy pasta or did you break the formatting???