Another Anon and I were discussing the length of time the jury is taking. Our conversation migrated to the OBVIOUS prepositioning of bricks and other 'riot weapons'. Then, I had the thought ... WHAT IF ... the verdict delay gave law enforcement and public utilities in the cities where the brick piles and 'such' were discovered (literally the day jury deliberation began) time to clean up and remove that shit. When those 'mysterious' piles of ACME bricks all of the sudden began to pop up ... It clearly signaled what cities the Antifa trash were being paid to attack. They expected the Rittenhouse jury to come back with a quick acquittal. They put all of their riot paraphernalia in place immediately. They fucked up. They didn't expect this to be drawn out ... none of us did.
This gave Law Enforcement and their municipalities time to round that shit up, and prepare to defend their cities ... even run some intervention operations.
Just a thought .... that is all.
Can that be considered an example of the future proving the past?
NICE ... good call.
"They thought it was coming last Friday", maybe?
Absolutely, also I'll say it a thousand times, remember what town full of sinister deeds is nearby.. the same town both the lead defense and prosecution attorney are from.. what conditions must be met in order to deploy NG troops? Delay this trial as long as possible. These are the conditions. I really think this might actually be the 10 days.. if I am wrong then I am but it is strangely calmer than I expected outside the courthouse as the DS keeps making bad PR moves. Maybe this is why the judge and the defense team are so easy going, and why the prosecution is making intentional fuck ups. Wouldn't it be wild to think that Binger and Krauss are actually helping the cause.. like I said I could be wrong.