The problem is that one party uses every millisecond of their time in office consolidating more and more power and dictating as much as possible.
Then the other team gets elected and immediately sticks one thumb up their ass and the other in their mouth and rocks back and forth like goddamn rain man for their entire term.
Our team needs to spend every millisecond removing the powers that the previous team took for themselves and giving out liberties back, but we all know that doesn't happen.
Strange how no one likes dictators, yet expect "their guy" to dictate. People should be happy the Dems had such a rout.
Nah nah nah, that's not the problem at all.
The problem is that one party uses every millisecond of their time in office consolidating more and more power and dictating as much as possible.
Then the other team gets elected and immediately sticks one thumb up their ass and the other in their mouth and rocks back and forth like goddamn rain man for their entire term.
Our team needs to spend every millisecond removing the powers that the previous team took for themselves and giving out liberties back, but we all know that doesn't happen.