Unpopular truth, and yet nonetheless true: If you are uninjected you did not fall prey to LITERALLY the biggest psyop in human history. This has never happened before, has it? Inject the entire human race with something that alters their human DNA and makes it something else? Come on. Genesis, anyone? What did Satan do in Genesis? What did the Nephilim do? They altered human DNA. And now Christians are doing it voluntarily. Another portion of this whole debacle: "And when they say peace and SAFETY sudden destruction shall fall upon them". You've been warned, and not by me. It was scripture that warned you. This wasn't the mark, and it wasn't the end. But it WAS an example of what it's gonna look like. See how easily people fall? Did you fall? Did you take THIS mark? There are many reasons. For the kids. For work. For ease. To save myself. My doctor said so. Etc. We are being shown what is coming. We've all been warned. Will you LEARN from this? Don't think you'll be saved from your own CHOICES. That's not even scriptural. What price are you willing to pay?
Comments (19)
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Every single one of my loved ones and friends have gotten the vaccine.
But not me. My employer has not required of me.
Nobody has rejected me even though they know I am not vaccinated.
I'm not a religious person but I can tell there is something very evil afoot here. They are throwing everything by the wayside, pulling out all the stops in this desperate attempt to get everybody vaccinated, even when it is clear that the vaccines are unsafe and ineffective.
They are like Terminator Bots in their singleminded task to make us get the jab.
It isn't normal. It isn't only about money. There is something else going on.
Yep. I am not an atheist, so I view this not only from prism of "good vs evil" but I can also see how someday this is gonna head down the road to Hell. There have been other times where we saw weird alignments with prophetic scripture. WW2 and Hitler...you can see it there.
Now this is a microcosm, but you can see a snapshot. A WARNING: People are now OKAY with being morphed into that other life form. They are okay with hunting Christians. It's just kinda the warning. What upsets me isn't that this is IT. It's that people are sleeping through the warning. Thanks for your answer, fren.
By the way, I am not panicking that these people will be lost and accept the Mark the Beast.
I am panicking that they don't even friggin' care that this IS how the MARK OF THE BEAST will look. This easy, this simple, and way more pressure. Everyone will be lining up.
Accept Jesus while you can - accept that He paid the penalty for your sins and that you are saved because He shed His blood on your behalf. Because He loves you.
Yeah, it's a precursor. WILL people remember? Will Christians who basically lined up for THE MARK OF THE BEAST learn their lesson and teach others? This is our last warning, I think. Just IMO. I do believe this is our very last chance to learn and I am heartbroken to see how many Christians don't care. This does not augur well for the BIG event. If we're gone, who will be left to warn? And who would listen anyways?
Be not deceived by satan and his minions. Honor the Lord and honor your body because it is the temple of the Lord. Trust in Him.
I can't name one person that I know that hasn't gotten the jab. Not one.
My parents have both passed, my mother earlier this year (not from the coof). She was unvaxxed.
TY, fren.
I see what you're saying, anon. But remember Matthew 13, The Parable of the Sower, with any responses you get, anon.
1/2 may be supportive, the other not.
1/4 may be fully supportive, another 1/4 against.
Stay strong, anon.
Thank you fren <3
Yeah....I know this is temporary but for now I am just weeping for the lovely people I know who are just...sucked in. Not because they are lost but because I am seeing the future. It's a sign. People are not listening to the Holy Spirit. You know that He told them NO.
Odd side note: about 20 years ago I had two visions from the Lord. It was post-rapture. Everyone left is gonna die. Christians were being mocked for not going along with the narrative. They were being called conspiracy theorists.....sound familiar? They were being called this by PASTORS in mainline denominations. I saw them being hunted in the streets. To death. Christians were being mocked BY supposed PASTORS for not taking the actual Mark of the Beast. Bought off (not necessarily Satanists, but hirelings). They were stirring up remaining congregations to attack those who thought he MARK was the MARK. To me, this was worse than seeing people beheaded. Seeing people who THOUGHT they were "Christians" hunting actual Christians.
Now we see how easily this can happen with people who don't KNOW Jesus. I don't there's a way out from the deception exception for Jesus.
You so sure it's NOT the mark. The original says a mark IN the hand or forehead...doesn't this go into every cell? They have already gotten people (most) use to having a temperature gun pointed at their forehead and I've seen people running their hand under scanners to get into stores(don't know what country it was) I saw a Trey Smith video where he's talking to a guy about the bar codes on products. That when they are scanned, the info goes to a main computer that is called 'the beast'. Dr Carri Madej said there's a bar code in the injections and i saw a vid where a scientist IS saying that there is. Of course he said it's just to keep track of which batch it came from but that doesn't make sense since that info is already entered into the computer when you get the shot and it's put on the vax pass too. It contains luciferase.The patent is 060606 AND it changes your DNA. The Bible says the people will be deceived by pharmekia. ALSO people think it can't be the mark because they expect it to be a literal 666 tattoo or something. Like satan would be so obvious. he TRICKED Eve into biting the apple by telling her a lie. he is the king of deceit. Covid IS a lie and people have been tricked into taking it for their supposed SAFETY. It is a FAKE PANDEMIC... PAN..... the 'god' Pan, the trickster. Half goat, look it up.
Yeah, I am sure this isn't it. But that does NOT mean this is okay. This thing is pure evil and it IS from the same source that will eventually push the real deal. They know what they're doing. This isn't the mark because there are things that go along with the actual Mark. Including an angel flying above warning people out loud and verbally what the mark is and not to take it and that you'll be damned if you do. Beast worship will be part of it. It's coming.
I did a study 20 years ago about DNA alteration so I agree with you that this is going to be the issue. A cross section of DNA is a couple of swirls.....can you picture it? Now add a third strand out of absolute bullshit crap who-knows-what (NEPHILIM) and do another cross section and you will see something like the google chrome logo. 666 swirled together.
This isn't it. But it's coming and Christians right now are just snoozing through it, sound asleep. And that is NOT okay. The American Church has been robbed of power and authority and we need to get those things back. They're from Jesus.
That's a powerful and important warning, Rubieroo. You did it despite knowing it would mostly fall on deaf ears, and probably that you'd lose friends over this. That takes conviction and courage.
I have people I know also who are decent, kind, and reasonably intelligent but got the jab anyway for a variety of reasons. I try to red-pill them on this gently but seldom with success. The woman who does our hair agreed to have me send some info about ways to possibly protect against "vax" damage but at the same time said "Don't scare me."
It's hard to do both, because honest information on the subject IS scary. I believe that has become a major reason why so many WILL NOT wake up to reality -- about the jab or about the entire global dictatorship that COVID and the jab are just enabling tools for. The truth is apocalyptic-level terrifying.
Christians may have an advantage here, since the Bible has pre-exposed them to the possibility of such horror coming. Few thought it would be in their own lifetimes and I'm sure many thought it wouldn't come at all, but . . . here it is.