As far as the game goes, it is hard to predict. In the best case they would all be in Gitmo awaiting a fair trial. If they are all still there it wouldn't be the worst case. The worst case would be something like Hillary is POTUS with Nancy still speaker and Chuck still Senate majority leader. VP doesn't matter.
But I do consider it high-grade hopium that our Very Stable Genius President is bring this up with a timeline of one year instead of talking about running in 2024.
I had to look up ICYMI because boomer things.
It means In Case You Missed It
As far as the game goes, it is hard to predict. In the best case they would all be in Gitmo awaiting a fair trial. If they are all still there it wouldn't be the worst case. The worst case would be something like Hillary is POTUS with Nancy still speaker and Chuck still Senate majority leader. VP doesn't matter.
But I do consider it high-grade hopium that our Very Stable Genius President is bring this up with a timeline of one year instead of talking about running in 2024.
Icymi + Boomer?
That started with the internet, bonehead.
Have a nice day, fren!
I mean you do understand what a boomer is, right?
No boomer would know what Icymi is they're into their 60's, mate.
What is your point? Because it doesn't seem to make any sense to me.
I was born in the early 60's. I didn't know what ICYMI was.
I am a boomer.