What; they want all non-vaxxed people to just be immediately fired???
In practice - yes. In theory - not.
Offer of stopping repressions to companies who have 100% of "vaccinated" people and "vaccination" data about employee accessible for employer. And no,in Poland religious exemption will not work here ever. Unconstitutional of course and against former privacy laws ,but the effect of those shit would be in practice people losing jobs.
3 weeks ago as I was looking for better job I was already asked for taking those poison as "everybody in the company took it". I refused, fuck such job,and it was already illegal to even ask me then (but also impossible to sue them because of no proofs - job interview were not taped, taping it would require both sides agreeing about that because of privacy laws we have unfortunately). And those moron employer had nothing from it then. Nothing. But after such law would come...
Ok,guess some employers wouldn't want to force their people.But as companies employing 100% vaccinated will be free from lockdowns and other persecution the government will do everything to destroy such companies,I have no doubt about it... Actually long before lockdowns Polish government and tax office were doing many things to make life of small business owners harder.
It is unclear it isn't moved to be voted later as because of action of only one opposition party who is against lockdowns people know - but it seems the government wanted to vote this shit in December. First they were forced to "withdraw" version done by minister of "health", the same day they wanted to make it parliament representatives from rulling party project, now as it was unmasked they are claiming they wouldn't as there is lowering support for it - they will do it,they just look for opportunity to do it without people noticing before it is too late... So "democratic" like voting twice Lisbon treaty in EU...
In practice - yes. In theory - not.
Offer of stopping repressions to companies who have 100% of "vaccinated" people and "vaccination" data about employee accessible for employer. And no,in Poland religious exemption will not work here ever. Unconstitutional of course and against former privacy laws ,but the effect of those shit would be in practice people losing jobs.
3 weeks ago as I was looking for better job I was already asked for taking those poison as "everybody in the company took it". I refused, fuck such job,and it was already illegal to even ask me then (but also impossible to sue them because of no proofs - job interview were not taped, taping it would require both sides agreeing about that because of privacy laws we have unfortunately). And those moron employer had nothing from it then. Nothing. But after such law would come...
Ok,guess some employers wouldn't want to force their people.But as companies employing 100% vaccinated will be free from lockdowns and other persecution the government will do everything to destroy such companies,I have no doubt about it... Actually long before lockdowns Polish government and tax office were doing many things to make life of small business owners harder.
It is unclear it isn't moved to be voted later as because of action of only one opposition party who is against lockdowns people know - but it seems the government wanted to vote this shit in December. First they were forced to "withdraw" version done by minister of "health", the same day they wanted to make it parliament representatives from rulling party project, now as it was unmasked they are claiming they wouldn't as there is lowering support for it - they will do it,they just look for opportunity to do it without people noticing before it is too late... So "democratic" like voting twice Lisbon treaty in EU...