From what I understand, Lynn Wood got tied up with voter fraud. There were multiple lawyers that he sort of got passed to... in the end I believe he chose who he wanted (Richards) and Richards chose a small team instead of a circus-- so he wasn't having to spend his time corraling and managing differing people who are all vying for roles.. That's my understanding.
Wasn’t Lin Wood one of his original lawyers?
I think he was talking about the dudes that came after Lynn.
Ok. So why so many lawyers, do you think?
From what I understand, Lynn Wood got tied up with voter fraud. There were multiple lawyers that he sort of got passed to... in the end I believe he chose who he wanted (Richards) and Richards chose a small team instead of a circus-- so he wasn't having to spend his time corraling and managing differing people who are all vying for roles.. That's my understanding.
Appears Kyle made the right choice. Thanks for your reply.