I used to look forward to his show, and his and sharp, concise commentary, but since the big steal, probably the single biggest destructive event in our history, I can’t bring myself to follow him. He and his network along with Salem network and others, have made it strict policy to say nothing about it, and they are in a position to help bring the truth to the public. Everything, every policy, plan, idea, they are all downstream from having a free and fair election. Cheating will forever prevent competent and moral people from occupying positions to be able to enact real change. But it will be great for the media talking heads, having a guaranteed source of material to agitate their followers with!
I used to look forward to his show, and his and sharp, concise commentary, but since the big steal, probably the single biggest destructive event in our history, I can’t bring myself to follow him. He and his network along with Salem network and others, have made it strict policy to say nothing about it, and they are in a position to help bring the truth to the public. Everything, every policy, plan, idea, they are all downstream from having a free and fair election. Cheating will forever prevent competent and moral people from occupying positions to be able to enact real change. But it will be great for the media talking heads, having a guaranteed source of material to agitate their followers with!