I expect MK Ultra really is doscontinued. However, the powers that be have a strategy for persuing these projects regardless. Initially, they are under the control of a government organisation funded by the taxpayer.
If the project shows promise but could be frowned upon for some reason they initiate their plan.
They change the name of the project. That means they can prove that the project ended. All the necessary documentation will be in place.
The project will be moved into the private sector. That prevents annoying things like FOIA requests.
Change the funding source. The project might have regular shareholders and for more secret projects "dark funding" will be supplied from te CIA's secret coffers.
If the project is barely legal, or worse, it will be moved out of the country as well.
MK Ultra was CIA but was moved into private hospitals and research centres in Canada and was covertly funded by the CIA. (They were only caught out about MK Ultra because someone had filed some finance data under "finance" and not "MK Ultra" so the file was not deleted when the project ended.)
Project Lifelog was a proposed computer system that would find out everything about everyone. That was cancelled the same day Facebook went live.
Recent BioWeapon research started in, probably, Fort Detrick and was moved to China when it showed promise.
My guess is that Mockingbird was also wound up after which a project that did exactly the same was named with funding covertly from the CIA. The new MK Ultra members might be a member of an organisation like, say, Credentialled Investigative Analysts.
I expect MK Ultra really is doscontinued. However, the powers that be have a strategy for persuing these projects regardless. Initially, they are under the control of a government organisation funded by the taxpayer.
If the project shows promise but could be frowned upon for some reason they initiate their plan.
They change the name of the project. That means they can prove that the project ended. All the necessary documentation will be in place.
The project will be moved into the private sector. That prevents annoying things like FOIA requests.
Change the funding source. The project might have regular shareholders and for more secret projects "dark funding" will be supplied from te CIA's secret coffers.
If the project is barely legal, or worse, it will be moved out of the country as well.
MK Ultra was CIA but was moved into private hospitals and research centres in Canada and was covertly funded by the CIA. (They were only caught out about MK Ultra because someone had filed some finance data under "finance" and not "MK Ultra" so the file was not deleted when the project ended.)
Project Lifelog was a proposed computer system that would find out everything about everyone. That was cancelled the same day Facebook went live.
Recent BioWeapon research started in, probably, Fort Detrick and was moved to China when it showed promise.
My guess is that Mockingbird was also wound up after which a project that did exactly the same was named with funding covertly from the CIA. The new MK Ultra members might be a member of an organisation like, say, Credentialled Investigative Analysts.