Was rereading deltas and saw this image in drop 196
(Incase it does not embed above, here the link)
Look at the Y head.
Now realize, that the mask is partially transparent, and that the camera flash shows the face underneath.
Then reconcile with the surrounding drops:
Click the image. Zoom in.
See through the mask.
WITAF are we even looking into the face of?
Public release of the image was a mistake -Q
The riddles get tedious.
Why didn't Q just tell people the plain truth in simple English?
"It is a picture of Reptilian aliens and they control the world"
Ah, its nice to see newbros taking one step at a time into the Q journey.
Riddles are very important in redpilling people. You can't just shove them into their throat. Redpilling is a choice each person has to make. There were other Anons before Q - especially FBI Anon and Senate Anon. They both dropped some pretty explosive information. It never stuck around the collective consciousness.
Q did something different. By posting riddles, he got people invested in it. It got them digging and when they found the answers, it was their own discovery. They built on top of each other and the discoveries stack up and they stuck around in the collective consciousness.
Add to this, just before the election the Hunter Biden laptop was dropped and the folks at news media actually got to see it. Chanel Rion reported that it contained obsession with minors and torturing kids. Crickets. Because when the rest of the media stay quiet, people wont believe it.
Even if Q/Trump dumped every declas - it will only be read and believed by people who already believe. Others will just ignore it.
It had to be this way for a reason.