Went for my check-up yesterday, and my doctor asked if I wanted jabbed. I said no. She looked at me in horror and told me about a patient who's in the hospital on a respirator She asked why I don't want it. I said because: 99.7% of people under 60 recover; I am healthy, not obese and have no serious health issues; it's experimental; there are no long-term safety studies; you end up sick with covid anyway; 30,000 people have died and there are hundreds of thousands of adverse affects; 75 athletes in Europe have dropped dead of heart attacks; the efficacy wears off and then I lowered the boom ... I have therapeutics on hand that I can take. She went off on me about how there's no proof they work. I said there's plenty, but it's all censored. Besides, it's my body, so it's my choice. I don't want it. She typed on my record that I refused the jab and walked out. I was a little rattled but felt oh so victorious. I'll be finding a new doctor.
TLDR I fought my doc on the jab and I won.
Its funny. My doctors office made special accommodations for me immediately. I let them know last year how disappointing it was to watch people who were supposed to be the stewards of health walk around all day with different objects over their breathing holes. I told them I questioned if they knew what they were doing or just following mindless orders. Basically they said following orders. They asked me to wait in the waiting room foyer away from other patients, but allowed me to walk thru to my screening room without masks. I realized quick that they really have no clue what they are doing and just follow orders and push whatever Pharma their doctor or hospital get kickbacks on.