He was being sardonic. He is derisively mocking her because she appears to be a vapid, libtard cliché. She is likely the kind of misled, clueless, drone who would both scream about her right to have taxpayers fund her abortions- and then sell her body to anyone who will give her drugs or cash.
It's weird to me that you thought he was being literal. But that just demonstrates how different we all are, and that's kinda cool. We can be polar opposites but still agree modern liberal culture is garbage, and Joe Biden is a flaming bag of shit. Cheers!
One would beat the shit out of her the other would rape her child
He was being sardonic. He is derisively mocking her because she appears to be a vapid, libtard cliché. She is likely the kind of misled, clueless, drone who would both scream about her right to have taxpayers fund her abortions- and then sell her body to anyone who will give her drugs or cash.
It's weird to me that you thought he was being literal. But that just demonstrates how different we all are, and that's kinda cool. We can be polar opposites but still agree modern liberal culture is garbage, and Joe Biden is a flaming bag of shit. Cheers!