You seem to have us confused with other collectivists. We are independently minded here. Your points and delivery are all over the place and unsubstantiated. You need to reevaluate your position and approach.
GoingCamaro you are an ass or a troll or both. You have something to say about every single Trump comment I ever make and it is never a sensible rebuttal or explanation for the evidence snd concerns I share that he may be just the other wing of the same big, bad bird.
You seem to have us confused with other collectivists. We are independently minded here. Your points and delivery are all over the place and unsubstantiated. You need to reevaluate your position and approach.
GoingCamaro you are an ass or a troll or both. You have something to say about every single Trump comment I ever make and it is never a sensible rebuttal or explanation for the evidence snd concerns I share that he may be just the other wing of the same big, bad bird.
Lol. Next time don't preface your comment with name calling and baseless accusations, child.
And if you are that insecure about being called out, stop commenting. I call you out because you're spreading bullshit.