why does Trump think Israel should be in control our Congress and do we at GA agree with that position?
Dude, you are missing the Trump's art of troll here. He is sounding like pro-Israel, but exposing a red-pill fact namely how Israel has Congress under their control.
The template is "Expose a bad thing in the society which is vehemently denied by the media, but do it as if its a good thing." When people try to spin this or defend this, its hilarious to watch and it ends up breaking the media firewalls.
Do you know how hard Israelis tried to spin this after he said it? It was a head scratcher for them, and fun to watch.
This kind of stuff is how in the beginning Trump started breaking out of the media bubble and started reaching people and is what started the whole TheDonald movement in the first place when people started making fun of his tweet, but found it confusing, and when they dug into it found the truth for themselves.
But crucially, it gives you the clue as to what game Trump is playing. Personally for me, this is when I was completely sure what his Vaxx game was and let me explain.
What we are seeing right now is various factions of the Cabal pitted against each other imploding. Trump made various deals/promises to some of these factions and started double crossing them all one by ione. The one last faction - Israeli/Mossad - still believes Trump is delivering them a vaccinated world. Only when they are fully sure of this, will they pull the plug on the economy and try to bring about the Great Reset. And that is the exact moment that the Awakening will happen. Until then Trump has to pretend to be pro-Israel and pro-vaccine and keep up the deception.
If you want to know what happens when they pull the plug, you have to follow what is going on with the Fed, with Larry Fink and their asset purchase, with reverse repo and who is holding the treasury debt in bulk. This is a controlled demolition powered by the enemy.
I sure hope you are right and appreciate very much that you took the time to respond with an effort at a potential explanation vs. just the crybaby downvoting "how dare you criticize dear leader" nonsense with no sensible arguments whatsoever that I get from most others here like that Camero character.
Dude, you are missing the Trump's art of troll here. He is sounding like pro-Israel, but exposing a red-pill fact namely how Israel has Congress under their control.
The template is "Expose a bad thing in the society which is vehemently denied by the media, but do it as if its a good thing." When people try to spin this or defend this, its hilarious to watch and it ends up breaking the media firewalls.
Do you know how hard Israelis tried to spin this after he said it? It was a head scratcher for them, and fun to watch.
This kind of stuff is how in the beginning Trump started breaking out of the media bubble and started reaching people and is what started the whole TheDonald movement in the first place when people started making fun of his tweet, but found it confusing, and when they dug into it found the truth for themselves.
But crucially, it gives you the clue as to what game Trump is playing. Personally for me, this is when I was completely sure what his Vaxx game was and let me explain.
What we are seeing right now is various factions of the Cabal pitted against each other imploding. Trump made various deals/promises to some of these factions and started double crossing them all one by ione. The one last faction - Israeli/Mossad - still believes Trump is delivering them a vaccinated world. Only when they are fully sure of this, will they pull the plug on the economy and try to bring about the Great Reset. And that is the exact moment that the Awakening will happen. Until then Trump has to pretend to be pro-Israel and pro-vaccine and keep up the deception.
If you want to know what happens when they pull the plug, you have to follow what is going on with the Fed, with Larry Fink and their asset purchase, with reverse repo and who is holding the treasury debt in bulk. This is a controlled demolition powered by the enemy.
I sure hope you are right and appreciate very much that you took the time to respond with an effort at a potential explanation vs. just the crybaby downvoting "how dare you criticize dear leader" nonsense with no sensible arguments whatsoever that I get from most others here like that Camero character.
Excellent reply. Thanks for your willingness to debate.