I actually don't believe her on this. Trump says it is real and Flynn said it is real. I think it's real and was undereffective from what the elites planned.
I agree with you here. Not sure what Mikovitz was trying to say exactly. She even referenced Dr. Peter McCullough who says covid is very real and that the delta variant is dangerous to a small segment of the population if not treated early. People can call it whatever the hell they want, maybe a different flu, but there is a sickness out there and its treatment requires a multi-drug therapy approach for the fat, elderly, and immuno-compromised early, or they run the risk of going the traditional hospital route when it's too late and get killed with Remdesivir and the ventilator.
I actually don't believe her on this. Trump says it is real and Flynn said it is real. I think it's real and was undereffective from what the elites planned.
I agree with you here. Not sure what Mikovitz was trying to say exactly. She even referenced Dr. Peter McCullough who says covid is very real and that the delta variant is dangerous to a small segment of the population if not treated early. People can call it whatever the hell they want, maybe a different flu, but there is a sickness out there and its treatment requires a multi-drug therapy approach for the fat, elderly, and immuno-compromised early, or they run the risk of going the traditional hospital route when it's too late and get killed with Remdesivir and the ventilator.
Maybe there are multiple illnesses, all referred to as covid.
I recall rumors swirling that there were two viruses, one S and one L.
The Chinese and deep state wanted to release the L version on us. L for lethal.
Someone switched the vials.
They ended up releasing the L on themselves and the S (Safe) version on us, mostly.
So if someone got a really bad, nearly deathly flu-like illness, perhaps that person got the L version.
Those who barely felt it may have gotten the S version.