beyond this there's theories that many so called viruses are actually parasitic diseases which could explain chicken pox contagion and also explain why ivermectin is proving so effective against so many faux viruses/diseases. if the chicken pox condition is caused by an external skin parasite these parasites could reasonably be expected, and likely proven if effort is made, to infect others via contact. conversely, chicken pox could be an allergic reaction to something just as people react to poison oak and how it's contagious while the oils are still present
beyond this there's theories that many so called viruses are actually parasitic diseases which could explain chicken pox contagion and also explain why ivermectin is proving so effective against so many faux viruses/diseases. if the chicken pox condition is caused by an external skin parasite these parasites could reasonably be expected, and likely proven if effort is made, to infect others via contact. conversely, chicken pox could be an allergic reaction to something just as people react to poison oak and how it's contagious while the oils are still present