Work in a hospital, masks have been mandated since the beginning. CMS just forced my company to enforce the jab mandate. The FLU shot is also required by Dec. 4th. Jab is required for first shot Dec. 1 and then the second Jan. 4. Tried speaking to an attorney through America's Frontline Doctors earlier this year about suing over the masks but he never even contacted me back after the first call.
I was wondering if it is better to file for exemptions, would need one for the FLU and the jab. I could do a religious for the FLU and a medical for the jab due to me passing out unconscious after getting the H1N1 vaccine.
I do not want to comply and actually want to be fired but I am not sure of the correct way to do any of this. I am in a position to do 0 compliance and file for no exemptions at all but some of my coworkers and my parents have both told me to. Even if I get an exemption for the jab, they will make me be responsible for testing myself weekly and expect me to pay for it.
Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
I have already had the China virus and recovered in 2-3 days with basic vitamins and zinc. Thought it was the common cold to be honest but that was the 4th or 5th of Jan. This year.
In which case you should demand a T-cell and B-cell profile in bloodwork. The antibodies will have waned because they are only there when necessary. However, if you can prove natural immunity, you should be able to use science in your favor (suggest checking this literature review