I posted a comment about this today and it reminded and inspired me to make this post.
The article is a little cucked here and there, but it consolidates the info.
So my family is a large family that has always been more awake than others.
When the deep state and illuminati started being mentioned in the mainstream, I shrugged because my mom has been ranting about floride and chem trails since before Alex Jones had InfoWars.
My parents have been anti-vax since having my severely autistic brother.
They got us shots for school and noticed a noticeable decline in his already present autism, that led to it being severe and on the lower end of functioning.
So when my parents had to find a new pediatrician a decade later, they tried to find someone who would fit their views.
Straight up I'll never have a doctor like him.
He was pediatric, but still saw me when I was an adult, for a variety of personal and monetary reasons.
When my parents had an unexpected child, he helped them get around the hospital not wanting to circumcise him for religious reasons (not that I personally believe in it, but its the thought that counts.)
He was very supportive of them when they expressed they didnt want vaccines for him, and mentioned his own personal biases against vaccines, stating that he believed most arent even necessary.
His nurse talked about her son not being vaxx'd, and the vibe was very anti-big medicine in general, and it was great.
We only stopped seeing him because we moved away from the hellhole that is Chicago.
So when my dad told me he had committed suicide in a park, I was pretty damn shocked. He was the nicest man in the world and he killed himself? (But, I've had depression, I know how it is)
But then I started reading the news...
He left behind a suicide note, and the one and only thing it mentions is vaccines? And he regrets what he was so passionate about with my parents? Giving parents a choice?
They said all it mentions is faking the vaxx status of kids. Thats it.
He helped parents who didnt want to vaccinate theirs kids, because they knew the risks.
It mentions he was still open to vaccines for those who wanted them, and never faked them for those who did, yet
At the end of his life, a parent notes him as being more anti-vax than ever, convincing her not to vaxx her son initially, because he believes its a "a virus' and "poison".
This same man then kills himself over the guilt of faking vaccine status?
This man had his own horror stories of vaccines. He believed in a more holistic and homeopathic approach to medicine. He was a single practitioner who didn't work in any hospital or medical building.
And he commits suicide right before covid outbreaks.
I dont believe in such coincidences.
TL;DR My old holistic, anti-vax Dr committed suicide over "guilt" from helping parents fake their childrens vax status.
The Medical Mafia is a well-oiled machine.
I am in Houston and have plenty of info about enormous names in medicine selectively harassing people and more until their “suicides” that included them being “hung” like Epstein.
It would be wise for anyone who trusts medicine - something so pervasive throughout the world - to be FAR more suspect and apprehensive.
Where else do we get pushed so blatantly to “trust” though we know their mistakes and idiocy is the 3rd leading cause of death.
It's amazing to sit back and think how we landed here. Turns out nearly almost all the people we have been taught to trust the most have used that trust to screw us all like unwanted house cats. Education, medical, judicial systems, 3 letter agencies, "experts", Pharma.....on & on.
I will admit - I’ve been weak and let the ugly get to me far too much.
So much of what we do here isn’t just “seeing” and “digging” - its learning how to Spiritually Cope and Awaken as well.
What I love about Anons is that many literally do this out of a Love that is indescribable.
Oh, absolutely, Amen for sure. This place is a huge blessing. There are so many layers to this. We woke up over a period of 20 years. Many here are waking up over a period of 20 months or less. That's a shit ton to process. I still have "oh shit" moments. It's a journey, no doubt. And this place contains a great group of people to travel with.